Rachel Loreen

At the same time as perfecting her craft as a heartfelt and multifaceted actress, Rachel Loreen (She/her) has also taken the time to become the best confident, stylish, and outgoing version of herself. On the brink of graduating from Slippery Rock University, she has a dream to advocate for actors both young and old, to act on each and every one of their passions. Whether it be film or stage acting, dance or music, Rachel is determined to be at the front of the next generation to enter the entertainment industry. As a kid she found inspiration from classic Disney movies and now strives to enchant people the same way she was. Everyone deserves a chance to escape into a story they love, and Rachel wishes to bring them to life. That feeling you get when your heart soars while watching a musical, or when you can’t help but smile when he finally kisses the girl, is exactly what Rachel wants to bring to the world.